Our People

Redvers Cunningham
Director | Underwriter
t: +44 (0) 20 7204 2531
e: redvers.cunningham@thomasmiller.com
Redvers joined Thomas Miller after completing his pupillage at 2-3 Gray's Inn Square.
He is also the Chief Executive Officer of two mutual insurance companies, HAMIA and PAMIA

Paul Lyons
Lawyer | Underwriter
t: +61 (0) 4 2340 2550
e: paul.lyons@tmlawltd.com
Paul is qualified in both England and New South Wales. Paul has over 13 years' experience in private practise in England, including working as an Owner Principal of a specialist law firm; prior to moving to Australia where he worked as a Practise Manager in transport litigation until he joined Thomas Miller Law in Octover 2018. Paul is located in the Sydney office and now combines the role of underwriting After The Event insurance policies with handling claims for Thomas Miller Law.